internationale sur le Moyen Orient arabe:
from Independence until the Present "
from 14 to 18th June 2005
de France
Paris depuis 1530

Université de Lyon 2
of Utah
Salt Lake City
The "Mémoires Méditerranéennes Association"
is organizing this international
week of studies with the participation of IREMAM from Aix-en-Provence
University, of the prestigious Collège de France from Paris,
of GREMMO research center of the Lyon University and the University
of Utah.
Following the "semaine internationale
des études mandataires " which took place in
Aix en Provence in June 2001 and the seminar of June 2003 about
"Sélim Takla, 1895-1945, une
contribution à l'indépendance du Liban",
this international event will gather professors, searchers et
personnalities coming from Europe, United states and Middle East


5, rue du Château de l'Horloge -
BP 647 - 13094 Aix-en-Provence Cedex 1
Tél (accueil) : + 33 (0)4 42 52 41 61
des indépendances à aujourd'hui
from Independence until the Present "
Organised by
Gérard D. Khoury (IREMAM/
Mémoires méditerranéennes)
Henry Laurens (Collège
de France) Nadine
Méouchy (GREMMO)
Peter Sluglett (University of Utah)
Organising institutions :
Collège de France, Paris,
Lumière Lyon 2 / Maison de l'Orient et de la Méditerranée,
IREMAM / Mémoires méditerranéennes,
d'Aix-Marseille I, II et III /
University of Utah,
Salt Lake City, USA.
Countries : Liban, Syrie, Irak, Palestine,
Jordanie, Egypte
Périod : from independence to the
Languages of the week: Arabic, English,

Schedules of workshops of the international studies week:
from Independence until the Present "
In the opening session there will
be a number of special presentations:
1) a) archival sources :
- Pierre Fournié, Conservateur en chef du Patrimoine in the
archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, will discuss the
source materials recently made available for general consultation
in Paris and Nantes, which go as far as the 1960s.
- Wm Roger Louis, Kerr Professor of English History and Culture
at the University of Texas at Austin, past president of the American
Historical Association and editor of the Oxford History of the
British Empire, will discuss the British archives pertaining to
the history of the Middle East in the second part of the twentieth
- Basma Kodmani-Darwich will discuss her project of instituting
an archive of private papers for the Arab world .
2) b) contributions relating to
the juridical status of the new Arab states and to the tensions
existing between their societies and political and social modernity:
- Me Youssef Takla, an international
lawyer at the barreaux of Paris and Beyrouth, will present a comparative
study of the various Arab constitutions.
- Abdel Hafez Saleh Magdi, Professor of Philosophy at Cairo
University, will discuss some of the problems relating to the
emergence of the individual and of a spirit of critical thinking
in the Arab world.

I: The historiography of the Arab Middle East
( Session 1 and 2): Critical assessment
of recent Arab and Western historiographies of the Arab world
This atelier will consist of critical discussions
of the seminal works of Arab and Western historiography of the
Middle East in the twentieth century. We consider it particularly
important that the analysis of Arab historiography should be undertaken
by Arab historians working in the Arab world. The principal chronological
focus of both parts of the atelier (Arab and Western) should be
on historical writing since the 1970s, although participants are
welcome to site more recent writing in the context of earlier
: Henry Laurens (Collège de France) and Rashid Khalidi
(Edward Said Chair, Columbia University)

II: From European colonialism to the 'new Empires': imperatives
and deadlock
(international, regional, economic and political) (Sessions 3
and 4)
This atelier situates the history of the Arab Middle East within
the process of formal decolonisation. The period begins with the
war of 1948 and the creation of Israel, the explosive event which
has so profoundly affected Arab regimes throughout the second
half of the twentieth century. While Israel was coming into being,
the Arab states and their 'liberal' societies were gravely weakened,
yielding their place to military governments which were autocratic
and dirigiste. After the rivalries of the Cold War and the emergence
of the unipolar world which has emerged since the collapse of
the Soviet Union, the United States appears to favour, or to wish
to impose, a new form of liberalism in the Arab world. This workshop
will concentrate less upon the history of the international relations
of the region than on the relations which exist between external
actors and the internal political configurations within states
or groups of states in the region. Particular, but not exclusive,
attention will be given to studies of Palestine, Lebanon and Iraq.
Coordination : Gérard D. Khoury (IREMAM/Mémoires
méditerranéennes) and
Peter Sluglett (University of Utah)

Cultural heritage (patrimoine) and nation-building (Session 5)
The notion of 'heritage' does not exist
as a monolithic entity. It is a metaphysical construction arising
from the encounter between material (or immaterial) elements and
the human beings who attempt to make sense of it. Situating the
development of the notion of heritage in its historical context
will help us to understand its contemporary evolution, and the
different ways in which a few ideas have been elevated to the
status of dogma, and even acquired something of the aura of the
sacred, in order to promote the construction of national identity.
This atelier will discuss the elaboration, first by the colonial
authorities and subsequently by the various national states after
independence, of policies towards national heritage based generally
on the political utilisation of archaeological research and colonial
ethnography (le savoir colonial). While the various nationalist
elites were initially concerned to construct a viable national
past as an integral part of the process of nation-building, their
successors after independence tended to make use of particular
images of national heritage, also as part of the process of nation-building
but more specifically to legitimate their own regimes.
It is interesting to reflect on the intentions of policies which
have tried to instrumentalise notions of national heritage, and
to show how these manipulations have been received and perceived
in each of the countries concerned. How should the changing content
of notions of 'heritage' be interpreted for different historical
periods - reminder of origins, the principle of historical continuity,
memorandum, commemoration - and the particular elements of the
past, both real and immaterial, that are evoked at different times.
Are all these referents of Western origin, or is consciousness
of cultural heritage already part of collective memory (originating,
for instance, in the general biases of urban chroniclers), linking
together the material and the immaterial and constituting an element
of local identity stemming from a profound sense of historical
Coordination : Jean-Claude David (GREMMO)

Atelier IV:
Economic models and strategies (Session 6)
In the 1950s and 1960s, the state
economic sectors of Egypt, Iraq and Syria were turned into command
economies on the Eastern European model. This was an objective
which had been pursued by most of the actors in the national movement,
but its actual implementation, generally accompanied by the creation
of huge and largely parasitic bureaucracies, produced widespread
disillusionment. It also produced serious structural inefficiencies
which have served to hinder subsequent economic, political and
social development. At the same time, the political elites of
the 'post-revolutionary' states took advantage of the situation
both to enrich themselves and to create a powerful support base
for themselves and the regimes to which they belonged. Contrary
to what some observers expected, the need to liberalise these
economies, beginning with the infitahs of the 1970s and continuing
with 'structural adjustment' in the 1980s and 1990s, actually
strengthened the power of these same elites, by further diversifying
their economic networks and their clientele. Although the economies
of Jordan and Lebanon did not follow quite the same trajectory,
they were characterised by a similar concentration of resources,
a progressive weakening of the middle classes, and the same glaring
social inequalities as those found in Egypt, Iraq and Syria.
The atelier will examine the effects of
these various economic policy changes, adopted for a combination
of internal and external motives, on the political structures
of the various states of the region.
Coordination : Eberhard Kienle (IREMAM)

Atelier V:
Islam, nationalisms and jurisdictions; mobilisation
and mediation (Sessions 7 and 8)
Popular mobilisation, which has been mostly an urban phenomenon
since the 1950s, is at the heart of the relationship between social
culture, ethos, Islam, territorial stakes and nationalisms. It
involves traditional networks of identity and solidarity, as well
as the new civil, political and military entities created during
the late Ottoman and colonial periods. It raises questions about
the role of the secular and religious leaderships and more generally
of the identification of mediators between society and the state.
Here it is useful to consider the role of various institutions
of civil society (charitable, religious, medical, and so on).
This form of mobilisation has set the stage for collective representations,
cultural, social, and political, whose expression it would be
interesting to follow over the century. An investigation of the
phenomenon would surely reveal the durability and permanence of
a number of themes, symbols and images, which have been an integral
part of the collective memory and consciousness of the peoples
of the region, at least since the First World War. Hence this
atelier will question the linkages between society - as an ensemble
of anonymous actors - local centres of power, and the central
authority. It will question the content and the future of national
identities, national reconstruction and/or construction, and the
regimes associated with them.
Coordination : Nadine Méouchy (GREMMO), Nadine
Picaudou (INALCO) and
Agnès Favier (Collège de France)
The closing session will give the floor to the invited "witnesses"
of the period under consideration, to enable them to express their
thoughts about the proceedings of the previous five days on the
basis of their personal experience.
contributors coming from Lebanon
Beydoun, Professeur de Sociologie,
Faculté des Sciences sociales, Université Libanaise, Beyrouth.
Karam, Docteur en
Sciences politiques, chercheur associé à l’IREMAM, Aix-en-Provence,
et à l’IFPO-Beyrouth.
Samir Kassir, Historien, enseignant
à l’Institut d’études politiques de l’Université Saint-Joseph
et journaliste à Al-Nahar, Beyrouth.
Farid el-Khazen, Chair and Professor
of Political Studies, Department of Political Studies
and Public Administration, American University of Beirut.
Jihane Sfeir-Khayat, Doctorante
en Histoire à l’INALCO, Boursière d’aide à la recherche,
Souad Slim, Historienne, Directrice
du Département d’études antiochènes, Université de Balamand,
Youssef Takla (Me), Avocat international
aux barreaux de Paris et
de Beyrouth.
Ghassan Tueni, Ecrivain, Directeur
du Journal Al-Nahar, Beyrouth.
Stefan Weber, Urban Social Historian,
OIB, Beirut.
from Independence until the Present "
: January 20th, 2005)
France :
Collège de France (Paris), CNRS (GREMMO-Lyon, IREMAM/MMSH-Aix-en-Provence,
GRSLR-Paris, EHESS/IISMM-Paris), INALCO, Université d'Aix-Marseille,
Université de Lille, Université de Nice-Sophia-Antipolis,
Direction des Archives du Ministère des Affaires étrangères.
Overseas french research centers: IFPO (Beyrouth,
Damas), CEDEJ (Le Caire)
Italy : Institut Universitaire
européen (Florence)
Germany : Free University
of Berlin, Centre de recherches de Bonn
England : Birbeck College (Londres), Institute
of Peace (Londres)
Switzerland : Université
de Lausanne
United States: University
of Utah (Salt Lake City), University of Texas (Austin),
Columbia University (New-York), Massachussetts Institute
of Technology (MIT - Cambrige), Harvard University (Boston),
University of Princeton, University of Chicago
Lebanon : Université
libanaise, Université de Balamand,
American University of Beirut (AUB)
Syria : Université
de Damas, Centre des archives historiques de Damas
Jordan : Al-Hashemy
University (Zarka)
Egypt : Université
du Caire, American University of Cairo (AUC)
UAE Emirates: Al-Bayan
University (Abou Dhabi)
Yémen : Fondation
Agha Khan (Sanaa)
du Grand Liban
sur la carte pour la démo
Historiques du Liban
Historical marks of Lebanon
animées et commentées
Soucieux de préserver une autonomie acquise sous les Ottomans,
les nationalistes libanais font admettre à Versailles
la création d’un Etat étendu autour du noyau chrétien
du Mont Liban.
Webpage still under construction

Sponsors / Contributors of the event
- Collège de France - University of Utah, - MMSH
- Services culturels de l’Ambassade de France en Syrie
IFPO, Beyrouth
- Ministère des Affaires étrangères, Service EGIDE
- Serge Boidevaix (Chambre de Commerce Franco-Arabe)
- Mairie d’Aix-en-Provence
(prêt du Pavillon de Vendôme et cocktail de clôture pour 150 personnes)
- Mécénat privé libanais:
(J.S. Takla, M. Zaccour, Makram Zaccour ( Merril Lynch Beyrouth)
- Tufts University, Fares Center for Eastern Mediterranean Studies
- Banque Audi, Genève